Exams and Records:
Smart Result Processing
Deluxe plan is also known as Exam & Records with CBT, is designed for schools desirous of speedy end-of-term result processing. Students write Computer Based Testing-CBT and nortify does automated marking, grading and published result online or students write Paper Based Testing-PBT, results are manually uploaded into nortify, and it automatically process the result into online report cards, copies are sent to the parent’s via phone, tablet or laptop while duplicated copies are archived online, nortify also has mixed mode system (CBT and PBT) as the school wishes.
Subject Management
With nortify, the School can set up subjects, setup Teachers/Employees records, and assign subjects to the Teachers, carryout the testing, and process the results immediately.
Exam scheduling
Nortify allows flexibility in selecting exam/placement test dates and time to accommodate the parents’ personal scheduling.
Continuous Assessment
With nortify E & R, teachers and school administrators can input assessment scores on nortify plate form and process the result. Parents can check the result assessments of their wards at the end of the term.
Automated Computation
Students write Paper Based Testing-PBT, results are manually uploaded into nortify, and it automatically process the result into online report cards, copies are sent to the parent’s via phone, tablet, laptop or desktop while duplicated copies are archived online.