Time is Money, How much have you saved part 2?
April 22, 2016
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Time is Money

 Time is money. How much have you saved? Part 1.

I was at a business workshop some time ago and the speaker said something that keeps ringing in my mind. In fact, it became one of my fundamental principles of success. He said,

“The most powerful currency in the world is not US Dollar or Canadian Dollar or Japanese Yen, or British pounds, or Ghana Cedi  neither South African Rand. The world’s most powerful currency is TIME. Yes, Time. And God has been so merciful to give everyone the same amount – 24 hours per day”

By this notion, I invested a lot of time into reading numerous articles on time management. One thing is common in all the techniques – Prioritising. The ability to identify and differentiate between urgent and important tasks. This site has one of my favourite articles on time management, it clearly explain the difference between urgent and important tasks. http://skillsyouneed/ps/time-manager.

Here is the link with your school admission process, if your admission requirement is complex, parents will often put it in the urgent task column and that explains the reason for low registration turnout and multiple conduct of entrance exam. However, if the admission process is simplified with ICT tool like Nortify Smart Admission Engine (SAE), most of your intending customers will quickly put you in the important task column- they will complete registration on time you won’t have to conduct multiple entrance exams!

With Nortify SAE, here’s how you can help parents in saving time:

Online registration that allow parent to provide pre-requisite information from the comfort of their homes or offices. Hence, the routine of form pickup and form submission is eliminated.

Flexible Scheduling makes it possible for parents to choose preferred date and time that suit their busy schedule. Parents will be happy with you for not wasting their rime and standing in long queues to wait their turn.

Anxiety reduction – parents and their wards are given the opportunity to receive score reports immediately after their exam. Hence anxiety is greatly reduced and no need to come back to school to check admission list.

Online payment options that allow parents to make payment once they receive admission offer in their mailboxes. No need to queue in the banking hall.


As the 21st century parents are becoming increasingly busy, anyone that helps them to save time automatically receives the best attention. Be a time saver!

3 Steps to start using Nortify SAE:

  1. visit www.nortify.com.ng

  2. click START FREE

  3. fill the form and select “FREE FOREVER” plan

Call 08090160500 for more enquiries

Abiola Oseniabiola

CEO/CTO , Trisat Communications Limited
a Technopreneur who loves to solve human challenges with Technology.He likes reading, travelling and dancing.
fbb twin


  1. Annonymous says:

    This is a lovely piece. what is amazing is the relationship between schools activities and technology as a time saver.

  2. tochi says:

    Nice Article. How wonderful. Parent are becoming so busy these days that with nortify, their work is made easy

  3. ndidi olamide adekunle says:

    life isnt getting any less paced, yet everyone would like to ‘eat their cake, and still have it’. the future, i think belongs to the people who have the genius to bridge that gap, and make life easier for a wider community.

    nortify, is poised to create that value, i believe.
    well done, nortify…

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